We increased user engagement on Facebook by 40.4% and reach by 29.4% in 7 days

The client had a large fan page on Facebook, but the posts they were writing had minimal to no engagement. This had turned their once thriving fan page into a “ghost” page where whatever the client posted went unnoticed by the audience, and there was little to no reaction.

By analyzing the client’s Facebook page, we discovered that the client’s lack of experience in social media (operations, trends, appearance) combined with their unfamiliarity with the latest developments had led to the misuse of the platform, resulting in a diminished reach and almost zero participation.

Leader Online created a highly specific posting program and defined the type of posts in order to increase variety and generate more interest among the fans.

Without any investment in Facebook advertising, within just 7 days of starting our service, the Facebook page already showed impressive signs of improvement.

The overall page engagement increased by 26.6%, while post engagement increased by 29.4%.

The most remarkable result was the 40.4% increase in user interaction with the client’s Facebook posts.

At the same time, the rate of new fans joining the page increased, and virality soared with comments, tags, and reshares.

The Leader Online team used a series of posts aimed at engaging users, including original videos, unique photos, direct posts, and selected strategies that referenced the client’s website.

The result was an organic increase in the client’s fan base and a remarkable boost in post engagement. Today, on Facebook, it’s not enough to gather fans; you need to know the methodology to be able to convert them from mere fans into potential customers.

When the numbers speak for themselves.

For our work, the numbers speak for themselves.

Google Partner Premier

Certified partner of Google in Greece. A distinction that accompanies the experience, knowledge and good practices and brings results to the businesses we work with. The certification covers the Google Ads Search, Display and Mobile domain.

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