
We work methodically with the aim of bringing profits to your business. We target high profit margins and operate aggressively to increase your market shares.


20 years of experience, a significant clientele and the distinction of Google Partner PREMIER are results of hard work and development in cooperation with our long-term customers.


We keep your costs significantly down, as your campaigns perform more and you only pay one pre-set, all-inclusive cost. The cost of advertising on Google starts from €300 / five months (including VAT and all costs).

High Standard Clients

Consulting Services

Google Partner Premier

Certified partner of Google in Greece. A distinction that accompanies the experience, knowledge and good practices and brings results to the businesses we work with. The certification covers the Google Ads Search, Display and Mobile domain.

Advertising Design

We emphasise the visual side of your advertising with designers specialised in internet promotion. Please see below some examples of banners from our customers.

When the numbers speak for themselves.

Our numbers for the work at Google speak for themselves.

Design, Implementation, Customization of a Google Ad campaign

Google Ads in Leader Online in 3 steps


Together we will gather and evaluate the appropriate search terms based on the search volume, cost, efficiency & profit margins for the corresponding products and services. At the same time, we will analyse the USP of the competition and create the appropriate text & image ads (banner) to bring the result.


We will create as many campaigns, ad groups and ads as necessary to achieve the right result. The performance depends both on technical factors of the advertisement (Quality Score) of the website (Landing Page Experience), as well as on the advertising messages and the actions of the competition.


Your account is monitored on a daily basis using the Google Ads platform, as well as 4 additional tools that illustrate all stages of the user’s behaviour. Our goal is to invest less and less every month, in order to get a greater result. This is also the reason they choose us.

Everything you want to know before we start

Google Ads advertising

Very often, clients and potential clients ask us about Google Ads. Here we gather all the answers to help you.