1st place in Google Ads against 31 competitors

The customer’s market has an extremely large number of competitors (30+), as it is at the crossroads of many different industries. As a result, they are under intense pressure, while at the same time the client wants to invest a very specific budget and have the maximum performance.

In a highly competitive environment every detail counts in order to achieve the wanted quality and gain the largest share of appearance at the lowest price.

Creating niche ads was stage one. Utilising our copywriting team and after several meetings with the client in order to identify the competitive features of their business, we created ads with a high CTR.

At the same time, we optimised the landing page by changing key points, both technically and architecturally. The result was a rich, user-friendly page that had a high conversion rate from the very first days the ad ran.

20 days later, we had already captured a view share close to 50%, when all the other competitors were between 20-45%. The performance of the ad was also evident from the client’s side, who expects to spend the summer to increase their budget and win the entire market.

In an intense market with over 30 competitors, we can dominate the market with the minimum required budget. This will be done by optimising the ads, which will have a very low cost, and bring the maximum effect.

Learn more about google advertising and Facebook advertising.

CONTACT: tel. 210 300 3421 / contact@leaderonline.gr

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Google Partner Premier

Certified partner of Google in Greece. A distinction that accompanies the experience, knowledge and good practices and brings results to the businesses we work with. The certification covers the Google Ads Search, Display and Mobile domain.

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