9 traditional tips to increase Google Ads performance

Google Ads advertising is one of the most popular and established advertising platforms on the planet.

As easy as it is for anyone to create advertising campaigns through Google’s service and achieve their goals, it is equally likely to fail, losing money and customers.

So, read some simple, important, tested, traditional, “stable” tips that will help you improve your campaigns and their performance.

1/ Understand user intent 

When creating an advertising campaign on Google Ads, it is crucial to choose keywords that align with what the user is looking for. Not only those directly related to the product or service you want to promote but also words and phrases related to the user’s intent, who is searching for something related to you.

2/ Target “all languages” 

When you are in the campaign settings, choose the option “all languages” unless you have a specific reason not to. The language used by users is determined by their device’s operating system or the Google address they are accessing (e.g., gr/com). Therefore, limiting the languages narrows down your possibilities.

3/ Structure is everything 

Create your advertising campaigns based on location and category. Additionally, design ad groups with similar keywords within each campaign, so that the ads are relevant to the keywords within them.

4/ Create specific ad groups 

When it comes to keywords, remember that less is more. You should find the best keywords for your product or service, but every time you find a new keyword related to you, create a campaign and an ad group specifically for that word. This way, you can better control your budget and allow other keywords to have a better chance. Additionally, your Quality Score will improve.

5/ Pay attention to “open” concepts 

When using keywords that involve various searches, you increase the impressions generated by your campaign. However, be prepared because you will appear in the results of keywords you have selected, even if the user is not searching exactly for what you are promoting. Therefore, always check the negative keyword list to exclude word combinations that are not relevant to your product or service.

6/ Adjust the location carefully 

When selecting the location where your ad campaign will be displayed, make sure you have clicked on the option “people in my targeted location” unless you have a reason not to. Otherwise, your ads may appear to people searching for words that include your location.

7/ Facilitate transparency 

Ensure that the landing pages for users coming from your ads have a link to your website’s “privacy policy.” Google takes the presence of a privacy policy seriously when scanning your site for transparency elements. By including such a link on the pages where you direct users, you increase your quality score and appear higher in search results.

8/ Don’t rely solely on conversions 

It is good to track user actions after they click on your ad, but it is even better to discuss with your sales team to jointly decide on the qualitative changes required for your advertising campaigns. Always keep an eye on the performance of your investment to stay within your long-term budget.

9/ “Cut” the advertisement while you’re ahead

Ask someone involved in gambling, and they will tell you: you can reach the top, but if you don’t withdraw quickly, you will reach the bottom and face a difficult path. In other words, develop your campaigns until they bring you the desired results, then let them go and create new advertisements.

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